TON, the native token of the Open Network, surged by 29% this week following a significant change in Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's legal situation, allowing him to leave France for Dubai. Durov, who was previously restricted from leaving due to an ongoing investigation into criminal activity linked to Telegram, announced his return to Dubai on his personal Telegram channel. The token is currently trading at $3.46 and has seen one of the largest gains among top cryptocurrencies, contrasting sharply with Bitcoin and Ethereum's modest 5% weekly movements. Telegram and TON, while operating independently, have a historical connection as they were initially launched by the same team. Despite the recent surge, TON's price remains significantly down from its all-time high of $8.25 reached last June, following Durov's arrest that impacted market confidence. The network continues to integrate with Telegram's backend, enhancing user engagement through cryptocurrency-based features.

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