The TON Society issued a statement on March 15 celebrating Pavel Durov's departure from France, viewing it as a victory for free speech and online privacy. Durov, the founder of Telegram, was detained on August 24, 2024, and managed to leave for Dubai after regaining his passport with approval from French authorities. The TON Society supported Durov during his detention, emphasizing his dedication to freedom of speech and transparency. They previously condemned the French government for his detention, highlighting it as an assault on human rights. They called for international organizations to intervene and advocated for Durov's release, alarmed by threats to digital freedoms in the crypto space. Following Durov's release, crypto advocates expressed concerns about censorship and regulatory pressures facing decentralized technologies. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, denied any political motives behind the arrest amid strong criticism, affirming France's commitment to free speech. The situation underscores ongoing tensions between state control and individual liberties in the evolving internet landscape, particularly in the cryptocurrency sector.

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