On March 15, the TON Society issued a statement heralding the return of Pavel Durov's passport as a notable victory for free speech, online privacy, and innovation. After being detained in France since August 24, 2024, Durov departed for Dubai following permission from French officials. The society expressed unwavering support for Durov during his arrest, emphasizing his commitment to free speech and transparency. They condemned the French government's actions as an infringement on basic human rights. The organization, along with various free speech advocates in the crypto space, urged international bodies to intervene for Durov's release, highlighting the potential threats decentralized technologies face from state censorship. In response to Durov’s arrest, French President Emmanuel Macron asserted there were no political motivations behind the action, despite considerable backlash from the blockchain community and advocates for free expression. The article notes Durov's case as a significant issue in the ongoing discourse about freedom of expression in the digital age.

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