Scammers are exploiting the recent fundraising efforts for Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road, by launching attacks on social media users. Following Ulbricht's release from prison, malicious actors have taken advantage of the excitement, flooding platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram with scams. For instance, a fraudulent account on X posted a link claiming to be an official Telegram channel related to Ulbricht, which garnered numerous likes before it was deleted. Security experts highlighted that these links led to malware installers designed to compromise devices. Cybersecurity firm VX-Underground flagged the scam, warning users about the risks associated with clicking on such links. Experts emphasize that using high-profile names like Ulbricht's is a common tactic for cybercriminals, who exploit trust and curiosity in their victims. These scams can lead to severe consequences, including corporate data breaches and broader security threats if stolen devices are repurposed for malicious activities. Cybersecurity awareness and vigilance remain crucial in combating these threats.

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