Scammers have begun to exploit the recent enthusiasm surrounding Ross Ulbricht's release from prison by targeting his supporters with malware on Telegram. Following his release, malicious actors quickly leveraged links purporting to be from an official Ulbricht Telegram channel, using social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) to disseminate them. One such link, flagged by cybersecurity group VX-Underground, was shared and liked hundreds of times before being taken down. Users who clicked the fraudulent link were directed to a fake verification process that subsequently installed malware on their devices. The rise in such cybercrimes underscores a broader trend where criminals utilize the popularity of figures like Ulbricht to manipulate public sentiment, engaging users emotionally to lower their defenses against such attacks. Cybersecurity experts warn that the impact of these scams can extend beyond individual losses, potentially leading to broader data breaches and compromised systems. Ultimately, they highlight the importance of vigilance and critical scrutiny when engaging with links shared on social media, especially those related to high-profile individuals.

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