Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, expressed gratitude after returning to Dubai from France amidst an ongoing criminal investigation. He stated that Telegram has consistently met and surpassed its legal obligations concerning moderation, cooperation, and crime prevention. Following a court's approval, Durov's return was reported on March 15, marking the end of a challenging period for him since his August 24 detention in France. In his message, he thanked the judges, his legal team, and the global Telegram community, emphasizing their support during this ordeal. He noted that Telegram has not only complied with legal requirements but has gone above and beyond in these areas. Durov's return has also positively impacted Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of The Open Network associated with Telegram, which saw a price surge following the news. The TON Society, a group supporting the TON blockchain, has lauded Durov's commitment to freedom of speech and transparency.

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