Lone Bitcoin miner wins block using tiny, cheap rig — ‘1 in a million chance’
A solo Bitcoin miner has achieved a remarkable feat by using a pocket-sized mining rig to solve a blockchain block, earning a reward of $263,000. This miner, part of the solo.ckpool Bitcoin mining pool developed by Con Kolivas, utilized a 480 GH/s Bitaxe machine. Kolivas noted that the odds of a miner of this size finding a block in a day are less than 1 in a million, translating to an average of 3,500 years to find a block. The miner was able to secure a total of 3.15 BTC after solving block 887,212 on March 10. While larger mining operations, like those run by major companies, use machines with hashrates exceeding 230,000 GH/s, the small rig highlights the potential of open-source options in an often opaque industry. The developer emphasized the need for transparent solutions against the secrecy within Bitcoin mining, a sentiment echoed in the construction of such accessible mining rigs.
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