In today's crypto news, Telegram is requiring third-party crypto wallets to utilize TON Connect, limiting Mini Apps to the TON blockchain. This change has sparked concerns about potential issues with decentralization and exclusivity. Meanwhile, Michael Saylor's rebranded company, now called Strategy, reported a substantial $670 million net loss for Q4 2024 as it continues its aggressive Bitcoin accumulation strategy, stacking an additional 218,887 BTC. This came despite a revenue drop to $120.7 million, which was below analyst estimates. Additionally, BlackRock is set to launch a Bitcoin exchange-traded product (ETP) in Europe following the success of its US spot Bitcoin ETF, which has attracted over $57 billion in net assets since its launch in January 2024. The new Bitcoin ETP will be based in Switzerland and is anticipated to begin marketing this month, marking BlackRock's first offering of this kind outside North America.

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