Pavel Durov, born on October 10, 1984, in St. Petersburg, Russia, is the founder of Telegram and a staunch advocate for free speech and online privacy. He launched VK, a Russian social media platform, in 2006, which faced government pressure to censor content. Durov's refusal to comply led to his ousting in 2014. He then founded Telegram in 2013, implementing privacy features like end-to-end encryption. Telegram quickly became popular, partly due to its unique privacy measures and additional features, including a dedicated blockchain network, TON. As of March 2025, Durov's net worth is reported at $17.1 billion. In 2024, he was arrested in France over allegations related to insufficient content moderation but was later released on bail, sparking global outrage. Critics viewed the arrest as politically motivated censorship, particularly given the tensions between Durov's platforms and state authorities seeking control over online speech. Durov has emphasized that Telegram stands for free speech regardless of political climates, illustrating his commitment to a libertarian ethos in technology.

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