El Salvador Dispatch 2: Searching for Bitcoin City, the Modern El Dorado
During a visit to El Salvador, I sought to find Bitcoin City as promised by President Nayib Bukele in 2021, envisioned to rise at the Conchagua volcano's base. The journey from San Salvador took about four and a half hours, revealing a picturesque but humid landscape. Arriving in the quaint village of Conchagua, I discovered a charming, timeless setting, yet I found no apparent progress on Bitcoin City construction. Conchagua's mayor expressed skepticism about the project, suggesting it remained largely aspirational. However, he noted a new airport, aimed at enhancing tourism, was being developed nearby. Bukele's ambitious vision for Bitcoin City includes zero income tax and harnessing geothermal energy from the volcano for power, with funding planned from a bitcoin-backed bond that remains unissued. With construction timelines uncertain and the ambitiousness of the project evident, the future of Bitcoin City remains speculative, showcasing a potential for both innovation and delay.
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