Cybersecurity experts have discovered phishing schemes linked to the newly launched Central African Republic (CAR) memecoin, which gained attention after President Faustin-Archange Touadéra announced it to promote national development. Malicious links were found on cryptocurrency aggregators such as CoinGecko, which resulted in the removal of a problematic Telegram reference. The Telegram group associated with the memecoin, created recently, contains suspicious links and a fraudulent bot. Additionally, a link on the trading platform GMGNAI redirected users to a malicious page disguised as a CAPTCHA, compromising security. Experts point out that the open nature of community-editable token information across aggregators exposes users to significant security risks. This memecoin's announcement and subsequent coverage have raised skepticism, especially amid reports of a memecoin associated with another official account claiming to belong to the Democratic Republic of Congo's president, raising further doubts about these projects' legitimacy.

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