Ahead of the imminent launch of the GUNZ mainnet for Avalanche, the battle royale shooter 'Off the Grid' is experiencing a thriving black market where players trade skins and GUN tokens for real money. This under-the-table economy has arisen due to restrictions on in-game trading before the official mainnet launch. Players are gathering in Discord servers and trading groups, seeking to exchange rare items and tokens for cash. Notably, two prominent players are hoarding large amounts of rare skins, betting that their value will spike once trading can be done on-chain. Despite the prohibition of such activities within the game, many players like H have engaged in black market transactions, citing a desire to secure items before the mainnet. Gunzilla Games, the developer, has indicated that they are aware of these activities and plan to release items and implement a better tracking system for minting quantities. With the mainnet expected to launch soon, these transactions could soon cease as official trading becomes available.

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